CTC Chess Library Project is Launched in Kenya

CTC’s Global Outreach initiative has launched the project to build a chess library for the chess club at Salama Gachie (SG) School in Kenya!

CTC Chess Library Project is Launched in Kenya

Since the establishment of the SG Chess Club in 2016, nearly 100 SG middle and elementary school students have graduated from the program. They have discovered the beauty of chess and moved on to spread their love for the game in local communities. However, a lack of chess resources including books, videos and supplies has inhibited them from reaching their full potential. In particular, they are in urgent need of chess books to enhance their learning since they do not have frequent access to electronic devices or a stable internet connection,

CTC’s Global Outreach leaders WIM Ellen Wang, IM Evan Park and David Li are therefore inviting chess fans and enthusiasts to make donations and support the chess library project for SG students. Participants can either donate lightly-used or new chess books, or make tax-deductible cash donations through Paypal. Volunteers are also called to help with the project; volunteer hours will be given out.

Please contact CTC leaders near your area for your interests or questions: ellen.wang@chessctc.org (NY), evan.park@chessctc.org (PA), david.li@chessctc.org (IL), or adamson.steiner@chessctc.org (MA). With each donation, you bring us one step closer to our goal!